BlowUp – Gennaio 2021 Potremmo immaginare il progetto Ambienti Coassiali come un infinito work in progress? Chissà, quel che traspare è che c’è un preciso legame che unisce il loro esordio (in origine su cassetta) del 1988 titolato semplicemente “Volume 1” con questo “SiX Operators” che a buona ragione ne rappresenta il seguito ideale. Lì …
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Dream Rooms Quotes EXquisitely subtle shadowplays of vintage guitar looped into spiralling webs of shimmering, warbly tone by a long-running, mysterious Italian project. Evocative as early morning or late afternoon mist on rolling midwinter landscapes. Music to really get lost within 99Chants Spread out over two sides, Dream Rooms is a immersive listen, ambience that’s frigid but …
Spare Rooms Quotes
The long overdue return of Ambienti Coassiali is as brilliant as it is beautiful.
Vol. 1 – Room 1-6 Quotes Vol. 1 – Room 1-6 is a brilliant and singular piece of work, comprised of siX independent works – “rooms” of meditative, electronic ambience which sculpt a total world. Recorded using only a Yamaha DX7 synth and two track tape machine, it is proof of the power of minimalistic constraint. A pulsing realm of …